The following are some old notes (mostly from talks given as a graduate student) which are occasionally requested.
Deformations, quantizations, and noncommutativity, talk
given for KIDDIE Colloquium, April 14th, 2016.
The Bernoulli Numbers, talk for undergraduates
as part of Stanford SUMO , April 23th, 2015.
Introduction to Modern Geometry, talk for high school students as part of Stanford SPLASH , April 12th, 2015.
A Plumber's Approach to Symplectic Geometry, talk given for Stanford Student Symplectic Seminar (S^2 x S^2), February 2015 (in three parts).
The Classification of (n-1)-Connected (2n)-Manifolds, talk given for Stanford Student Topology Seminar, November 7th, 2014.
A Symplectic Conspectus, talk given for Stanford Student Symplectic Seminar (S^2 x S^2), November 7th, 2014.
Introduction to the h-Principle, talk given for Further Advances in Symplectic Flexibility, workshop at Asilomar, CA, May 16th, 2014.
The Ubiquity of ADE Classifications in Nature, talk given for KIDDIE Colloquium, March 21st, 2014.
Homological Mirror Symmetry for the Projective Line, talk given for Fukaya Categories and Picard-Lefshetz Theory Reading Seminar, March 14th, 2014.
Exterior Differential Systems, talk given for
Cartan Seminar, February 20th, 2014.
Mirror Symmetry: Introduction to the B Model, talk given for
Stanford Student Symplectic Seminar (S^2 x S^2), January 21st, 2014.
Donaldson Hypersurfaces, notes from La LLagonne Summer School, June 17-21, 2013.
Lagrangian Floer Cohomology for Real Projective Space Inside Complex Projective Space, talk given for
Stanford Student Symplectic Seminar (S^2 x S^2), January 28th, 2013.
Positive Scalar Curvature and Surgery, talk given for
AJOSSCS, October 23rd, 2012.
The Space of Negative Scalar Curvature Metrics, talk given for
AJOSSCS, October 30th, 2012.
Bott Periodicity and Clifford Algebras, talk given for
KIDDIE Colloquium, November 26th, 2012.