12pm - 12:50pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in 140 Kaprielian Hall (KAP).
This course is an introductory to calculus in one complex variable. The main objects of study are functions of one complex variable which are holomorphic, i.e. complex differentiable. At first glance one might expect the whole theory to closely resemble ordinary calculus of a single real variable, but in fact holomorphic functions have many remarkable features not present in the real case.
We will assume familiarity with multivariate calculus.
There will be weekly problem sets. These will be listed on this website (see the schedule below) and will be handed in via Gradescope. Late homeworks will not be accepted without prior approval from the instructor.
Much of the course material will be developed in the problem sets. It is very important to do all of the problem sets to the best of your ability and to challenge yourself to solve the problems on your own, as this is the most effective way to absorb the material. We expect students to devote a significant amount of time to the problem sets.
While working on the problem sets, you are allowed to collaborate with your peers and to consult textbooks or other references. However, you must write down attributions for any peer, textbook, website etc from which you took any significant ideas. Moreover, you must attempt all problems on your own and your submitted solutions must be written out originally and individually. Submissions which are copied or suspiciously similar are subject to being rejected and potential disciplinary action.
$\#$ | Date | Material | References | Problem set |
1 | Monday 1/13/25 | Introduction to the course. Complex numbers as pairs of real numbers and their multiplication formula. The complex plane, modulus of a complex number, complex conjugation. Finding square roots of complex numbers. | [BN] §1.1,§1.2,§1.3. | |
2 | Wednesday 1/15/25 | More on the complex plane. Polar form for complex numbers. Euler's formula. Finding squares using polar form. | [BC] §1 | Pset 1 (due Weds 1/22/25 at 11:59pm) |
3 | Friday 1/17/25 | Finding roots of unity and more general roots using polar form. Repeated roots of polynomials in terms of roots of the derivative. Roots of real polynomials come in complex conjugate pairs. Complex equations of half planes and circles. | [BC] §1. | |
Monday 1/20/25: MLK day - no class | ||||
4 | Wednesday 1/22/25 | An complex equation for an ellipse. Basic topological notions: open sets, closed sets, limit points, accumulation points. Various examples. Limits of functions and continuity. | [BC] §1, §2. | Pset 2 (due Friday 1/31/25 at 11:59pm) |
5 | Friday 1/24/25 | More on topology: open and closed subsets, accumulation points, boundary points, closure of subsets, bounded subsets, compact subsets. Limits involving infinity. The triangle inequality. Reformulation of limits of complex valued functions in terms of real and imaginary parts converging. | [BC] §1, §2. | |
6 | Monday 1/27/25 | More on limits involving infinity and evaluating limits involving continuous functions. The extended complex plane and its identification with the Riemann two-sphere. The definition of holomorphic functions and various examples and non-examples, e.g. $f(z) = 17$, $f(z) = z$, $f(z) = z^2$, $f(z) = |z|$, $f(z) = \overline{z}$. | [BC] §1, §2. | |
7 | Wednesday 1/29/25 | Derivation of the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Formulation in terms of $u(x,y),v(x,y)$ and as $\partial_y f = i \partial_x f$. Verifying the Cauchy-Riemann equations in some simple examples. Formulation in terms of the Jacobian matrix of a function $\mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$. Understanding complex numbers as $2 \times 2$ matrices and their corresponding linear transformations. | [BC] §2. | |
8 | Friday 1/31/25 | More on the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Pathological examples where CR holds but holomorphicity fails. Review of the mean value theorem. Proof that the Cauchy-Riemann imply holomorphic under extra technical assumptions. | [BC] §2 and [BN] §3. | Pset 3 (due Friday 2/7/25 at 11:59pm) |
9 | Monday 2/3/25 | More on properties of holomorphic derivatives (sum rule, product rule, quotient rule, chain rule). Polar form of the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Harmonic functions from holomorphic functions. Aside on Clairaut's theorem. Curves in the complex plane and line integrals. | [BC] §2 | |
10 | Wednesday 2/5/25 | Defining the elementary holomorphic: $e^z, \sin(z),\cos(z),\log(z)$. The principal argument and principal logarithm. | [BC] §3 | |
11 | Friday 2/7/25 | More on elementary functions. The principal value of $z^c$ and examples. Trigonometric and hyperbolic trigonometric functions. More on contour integrals and their independence under reparametrization. | [BC] §3, §4 | Pset 4 (due Friday 2/14/25 at 11:59pm) |
12 | Monday 2/10/25 | |||
13 | Wednesday 2/12/25 | |||
14 | Friday 2/14/25 | |||
Monday 2/17/25: President's Day: no class | ||||
15 | Wednesday 2/19/25 | |||
16 | Friday 2/21/25 | |||
17 | Monday 2/24/25 | |||
18 | Wednesday 2/26/25 | |||
19 | Friday 2/28/25 | |||
20 | Monday 3/3/25 | |||
21 | Wednesday 3/5/25 | |||
22 | Friday 3/7/25 | Midterm in class | ||
23 | Monday 3/10/25 | |||
24 | Wednesday 3/12/25 | |||
25 | Friday 3/14/25 | |||
Monday 3/17/25: spring break - no class | ||||
Wednesday 3/19/25: spring break - no class | ||||
Friday 3/21/25: spring break - no class | ||||
26 | Monday 3/24/25 | |||
27 | Wednesday 3/26/25 | |||
28 | Friday 3/28/25 | |||
29 | Monday 3/31/25 | |||
30 | Wednesday 4/2/25 | |||
31 | Friday 4/4/25 | |||
32 | Monday 4/7/25 | |||
33 | Wednesday 4/9/25 | |||
34 | Friday 4/11/25 | |||
35 | Monday 4/14/25 | |||
36 | Wednesday 4/16/25 | |||
37 | Friday 4/18/25 | |||
38 | Monday 4/21/25 | |||
39 | Wednesday 4/23/25 | |||
40 | Friday 4/25/25 | |||
41 | Monday 4/28/25 | |||
42 | Wednesday 4/30/25 | |||
43 | Friday 5/2/25 |